Non Sparking Adjustable Wrench
Llave ajustable
Verstellbarer Schraubenschlüssel
Разводной гаечный ключ
Chave inglesa ajustável
Non-sparking adjustable wrenches come equipped with a screw mechanism that firmly adjusts to the nut and pulls so that the force is on the fixed side of the jaw. It's important to keep in mind that these wrenches are intended for general purposes and not heavy loads. They should not be used as a replacement for fixed opening wrenches in production or general service work. Ensure that the adjustable wrench is tightly adjusted to the nut and pull so that the force is on the fixed side of the jaw to use it safely and effectively.

Non Sparking Adjustable Wrenches are available in QTi Copper Titanium Alloy, BronAL Aluminium Bronze and ACTOOL for Acetylene Environments

Part Number | Size |
AW-1006 | Non-Sparking Adjustable Wrench 6" - 18 x 150 mm |
AW-1008 | Non-Sparking Adjustable Wrench 8" - 24 x 200 mm |
AW-1010 | Non-Sparking Adjustable Wrench 10" - 30 x 250 mm |
AW-1012 | Non-Sparking Adjustable Wrench 12" - 36 x 300 mm |
AW-1014 | Non-Sparking Adjustable Wrench 14" - 46 x 375 mm |
AW-1018 | Non-Sparking Adjustable Wrench 18" - 55 x 450 mm |
AW-1024 | Non-Sparking Adjustable Wrench 24" - 65 x 600 mm |
Non Sparking Adjustable & Pipe Wrenches are designed for general purpose working and NOT for heavy loads.
They are not intended to replace fixed opening wrenches for production or general service work.
Spark Resistant Adjustable Wrenches should be tightly adjusted on the nut and pulled so that the force is on the fixed side of the jaw and Never on the moving jaw.
Always pull rather than push on the adjustable & pipe wrench handle and maintain a proper stance with feet firm to hold balance.
Inspect Spark Proof Wrenches periodically for worn or unsafe parts and replace them.
When using a Non Spark Pipe Wrench, maintain a gap between the back of the hook jaw and the pipe. This concentrates the pressure at the jaw teeth only and produces the maximum gripping force and aids ratcheting action.
Do NOT use an Anti Spark adjustable wrench to free a "Stubborn/Frozen" or to final tighten a nut.
NEVER pull on a loosely adjusted wrench.
NEVER use a hammer or extension on this wrench.
Non Sparking Pipe Wrenches are designed to turn or hold pipe; never use a Pipe Wrench to bend, raise or lift a pipe.